Hanoi, August 27th 2019. The consultation workshop was held by VCCI and UNDP Vietnam to complete “The Manual on Internal Control and Code of Conduct in Business”. Nearly 100 participants came from SOEs, private sector and social organizations. This is a workshop organized by VCCI under the the Government-Business Integrity Initiative – GBII within the project “Promoting a Fair Business Environment in ASEAN” implemented by UNDP and financed by UK Prosperity Fund. Internal control (IC) and Code of Conduct (CoC) are the best tools for SMEs to improve governance and management toward transparency and efficiency, ensuring the benefit of investors and shareholders and enhancing company’s reputation and image. Speaking at this workshop, Dr. Vu Thi Phuong Lien, the consultant from TDI Consulting Co. Ltd. said: These are two parts helped businesses realize the strategic vision and core values, as well as show their commitments in document. The substance of this manual has been simplified for SMEs to easily apply in practice. The draft manual has been warmly welcomed. Mrs. Nguyễn Thị Minh Tâm, the Director of MCT Việt Nam said: “Currently, SMEs mostly have no code of conduct or control standard, so we are just spontaneous and we control each other. This manual is applicable to my company and we will try to do it”. Mr. Dinh Van Duc, Head of Planning Department of Vietnam Mineral and Metallurgical Company said: “the information shared at this workshop is appropriate and essential to my business”. The draft manual is download here tại đây A lot of comments have been made to the workshop from businesses. It is recommended that the project promoted training activities for businesses as well as businesses need more time to study and apply successfully IC and CoC. “Time is required to formulate new approach because many businesses are on the old way” – Mrs. Minh Tâm constributed. To that requirement, Ms. Dinh Thi Bich Xuan, Deputy Director of the SDforB, VCCI said that in the period of 2019 – 2020, the project will design many activities to support businesses in application of IC and CoC which include completion of the training manual to disseminate in business community, training of trainers, capacity building for businesses, demonstration models of IC and CoC for 2 companies in Hanoi, signing agreement on business integrity. Read more and resgister here tại đây.