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Strengthen implementation of ethical practices and business integrity

In recent years, a number of free trade agreements (FTAs) have been negotiated and signed, facilitate business to deepen international integration, creating many new cooperation opportunities. Therefore, this requires businesses to ensure transparency and adopt ethical business practices. In fact, businesses  with proactive implementation of business integrity are highly appreciated by potential investors, customers and business partners… especially this is an important advantage to join global supply chains.

On past November 26th, the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI), UNDP Vietnam coordinated with the Vietnam Textile and Apparel Association (VITAS) to organize an online training workshop titled“Guidelines for ethical business practices and professional conduct”. According to Mrs. Dinh Thi Bich Xuan, Deputy Director General of Office for Business Sustainable Dvelopment,VCCI, the training is a key activity aimed to build the capacity of businesses in promoting business integrity and helping to minimize fraud and business risks towards good corporate governance.

At the program, Mr. Truong Van Cam, Vice President of VITAS, the co-organizer of the workshop highlighted the importance of an appropriate code of conduct and professional conducts contributing to form a fair and transparent business environment. Through presentations of speakers and vigourous discusiion, businesses have better understood about the essential role of risk management and ethics regarding to business development in the garment industry. As a result, businesses are able to effectively apply step by step the code of conduct to resolve ethical dilemmas in business operations.

The training course was provided by experienced experts from PWC Vietnam. The representatives from British Embassy in Hanoi, UNDP, VCCI  attended with 70 participants from businesses in the garment industry, middle level managers, human resources, legal officers, internal audit, account-finance officers…


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